
Senin, 12 Juli 2010

“Inproville” An Attempt of Introducing and Conserving Culture and also An Analysis of Developing the Visit Indonesia Program Based on Cultural Tourism


Biya Ebi Praheto. “Inproville” An Attempt of Introducing and Conserving Culture and also An Analysis of Developing the Visit Indonesia Program Based on Cultural Tourism. Advisor: Mujimin, S.Pd. The 2010 Outstanding Student Selection of the Languages and Arts Faculty. 15 pages.

Indonesia has a lot of cultural diversity spreading out 33 provinces and it is only fitting that Indonesia people introduce and conserve them to the world’s people. One of the problems here is about act of claiming traditional culture of Indonesia by other countries. It might be because of the lackness of awareness. As Visit Indonesia Program promotes the Indonesia tourism spots of all places in Indonesia, so “Inproville” is cultural tour innovation utilizes a form of traditional village and developes in each province of Indonesia. It is also projected to be a culture center in Indonesia. Not to mention, arts and food.

Generally, this study focus on (1) the purposes of developing “Inproville” as an attempt to introduce and coserve culture and also as a developing program of Visit Indonesia based on culture, (2) the strategies of “Inproville” development includes: a) labelling, b) stating perspektives and its mission, c) identifying the internal (strenght and weakness) and eksternal (opportunity and threat) factors in marketing, and d) finding out an alternative strategy of developing “Inproville” by using a SWOT board, and (3) the utilization of “Inproville” as a place of tourism, education, introducing and conserving culture, and job opportunities of people.

Based on the above exsplaination, some suggestions that could be delivered are: (1) the government should cooperate with any related sides in developing “Inproville”. The could be society, experts, government organization and investors, (2) the society should be realized that “Inproville” is important to increase their prosperous and support its perspektives, and (3) I would like to motivate myself and others to do a futher study about an implementation of “Inproville”.

Key Words: Inproville, culture, visit Indonesia

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